Saturday, May 27, 2006


A couple of black snakes. What were they doing. I had to go out and get a better look, just like my hens. My first though was that they were mating. I called out my house mate to see. Didn't know they did it like that, she was on her back and he was on top. But then we notice she is dead. We decide to move them out of the road and the male bites and holds on the the female. Or so we thought. Now I wonder if it was a fight. He later returned to eat the dead snake. Anyone know?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your link in a message you posted in one of the Pom groups I am in. Your snake...well she died and he was in morning. I know it sounds nuts, but some kinds of snakes are VERY upset by the death of their mates.
    I hope that helps some!

    Carol :)
